Wrist & Hand
Orthopaedic Surgeons are trained in treating wrist and hand injuries and arthritic conditions.
Individualized conservative care includes examination, proper diagnosis, medications, holistic treatment, physiotherapy, and occasionally an injection. In limited instances, arthroscopic or open surgery may be necessary. The focus is on rapid return to full unrestricted activities.

Wrist & Hand Conditions
- Arthritis
- Basal Joint Osteoarthritis
- Bursitis
- Capsulitis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
- Dislocations
- Distal Radius Fracture (Broken Wrist)
- Dupuytren's Disease
- Extensor Tendon Injuries
- Finger Fracture
- Fractures of the Hand (Metacarpal Fractures)
- Ganglion Cysts of the Hand
- Mallet Finger
- Osteoarthritis of the Hand
- Sprains and Strains
- Tendon and Ligament Injuries
- Tendonitis
- Trigger Finger
- Wrist Sprain
Wrist & Hand Procedures
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